Change log
- 2025-02-01
- Added item to remove a list of unused network protocols. Reduce attack surface
- Added 3 items to ensure whole system usage of TLS1.3, including apt. May not work for your chosen repository mirror.
- 2025-01-23
- Removed udp 53 firewall rule
- Add restriction to remote access
- 2025-01-04
- Added tighter timeouts for stateful firewall openings.
- Added more verifications for each implemented security control. One has to know if controls are implemented correctly
- Added dpkg-divert’s so that updates will not override our .conf settings. Updates will overwrite settings if this is not set
- 024-12-30
- Ensure your security is Risk based so that you assess what is valuable to you, and implement security in a prioritized way
- 2024-12-24
- Removal of insecure X11 in favor of Wayland
- Added method to disable dangerous peer-to-peer WiFi which allows unauthenticated near by attacks if you live in a apartment
- 2024-11-28
- Security Principles: so that you can discover and add more security measures
- 2024-12-15
- Risk based defenses
- 2024-12-08
- Added more protection to firefox-common.profile. Added dpkg-divert commands so that our configurations do not get overwritten by updates. Removed 'firefox' from 'apparmor firefox' in firefox-common.profile
- 2024-10-20
- Modem/Router Attacks
- 2024-10-18
- New Firefox about:config settings: min.TLSv1.3 setting and non-negotiable.
- 2024-10-11
- Use a VPN, even at home
- More firefox firejail settings
- 024-09-29
- Added firefox safe settings
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